Let Us Pay Your Insurance!
Let us pay your insurance premiums this month! Enter our insurance premium sweepstakes below because every month we choose one of our lucky readers and pay their insurance premiums - up to $100! Enter the insurance premium sweepstakes below by entering your email address and sign up for our newsletter. Newsletter subscribers are entered to win.
Let Us Pay Your Insurance Premium!
How to Enter:
Sign up for our newsletter using the box below. That’s it!
Each month we select one reader and pay their insurance bill (up to $100).
- No Purchase Necessary
- One Entry Per Person (each month)
- Must be 18 or older
- Open to US residents only
- Winner is announced around the 1st of each month
- Award is issued within 4-6 weeks from contest close date
- Email addresses are not sold to 3rd parties
- Eligible insurance products include auto, home, life, and health
- Employees & Contractors of expertinsurancereviews.com, LLC are not eligible to participate
The process is simple. Enter your email address above, which will sign you up for our newsletter. At the beginning of each month, we compile a list of all the new entries from the previous month and use a random number generator to pick a winner. If you are selected, we will contact you at the email address you submitted, so make sure it is correct!
When contacting winners we will outline the rest of the process. In a nutshell, you simply submit proof of your insurance cost. This can be a recent bill, screen capture from your online account, a picture... anything that proves you pay for insurance and how much you pay. We do not need all the details, just a name and amount will work. So if your concerned about privacy, you can block the other stuff out.
Once verified, we will send out your monthly premium amount (up to $100) directly to you via PayPal or check. Whichever you prefer.
Current newsletter subscribers are eligible to resubmit for the sweepstakes each month, but must do so through other means (such as social media shares, Facebook likes, etc.) Details for how current newsletter subscribers can submit a new entry are sent out periodically as part of our newsletters.
There must be at least 100 entries for the drawing to take place. If there are less than 100 in a given month, those entries will be rolled forward to the following month and so on.